
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Super Mario Galaxy Game Review

One of, if not, the most popular gaming franchises returns with something completely different than the usual for them. Mario goes to space to collect the Power Stars that he needs to power a new character to the series, Rosalina's, ship to save Princess Peach yet again. On the way you encounter many different enemies, bosses, and friends that change the name of the Mario series. One of these friendlies are called Lumas, star like objects that transform into various things to assist you in your journey, such as paths to greater heights or even planets themselves. To compliment this game with good graphics for the time and gameplay, is an amazing soundtrack. My personal favorites are Gusty Garden Galaxy, Battle Rock/Dreadnought (they're the same), and Toy Time Galaxy. This game came out in 2007, and many people are still playing it to this day, which proves its popularity, I give it a 10/10. Video by chuggaaconroy, no inappropriate content.

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