
Monday, February 2, 2015

Mortal Kombat Game Review (no specific one)

Mortal Kombat is an extremely gory game originally developed by Midway Games. Bankrupt in 2009, the studio went to formally Warner Brothers now, NetherRealm Studios. The new game, Mortal Kombat X, is rated M for Mature for; Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity, and Strong Language. This game series may be most famous for their overly violent finishing moves, called fatalities, such as Scorpion's Split Decision, which he cuts the person's body in half, cuts their head off, then kicks them and makes it fall apart! Disgusting, so if you have a weak stomach don't play this game. All gruesomeness aside, this game isn't half bad, I'd give it a 9/10. Video isn't very informational, but who doesn't love Conan or football players? 14+ recommended.

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